Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Mandatory as of 12th February 2024, all major development projects are required by law to deliver a measurable 10% net gain in biodiversity units.
Planning applications for major development will need to demonstrate how the proposed project will achieve this 10% gain, via a BNG Plan produced by a suitably experienced ecologist.
For non-major development projects, this legal requirement will apply from April, and the duty will also apply to Nationally Significant infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) from an as yet unspecified date.
Through our integrated ecology and landscape architecture services, Lloydbore are uniquely well placed to help development projects design for BNG. Early engagement of our team can help avoid unnecessary design, planning and cost headaches through well-informed spatial planning. We design landscapes to maximise reliable, achievable BNG outcomes and deliver inspiring, resilient habitats, spaces and places for people to live, work and explore.
Lloydbore also offer services to landowners who are looking to become a provider of marketable biodiversity units, and we are actively involved in regional BNG policy and strategy development.
If you would like advice on Biodiversity Net Gain, please get in touch with our Director of Ecology, Sam Durham - 07471 036 663