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Jack Bage


Jack started working for Lloyd Bore as a seasonal assistant ecologist in 2020, completing protected species surveys on an ad hoc basis. He joined the team full time in April 2021.

Since graduating in 2020 with an Honours degree in Ecology, Jack has realised an emerging specialism in badger work. He leads badger field sign and sett surveys, badger report writing and sett classification, undertakes bait-marking surveys and works as an accredited agent under Natural England licences.

Jack also undertakes and leads a range of other ecological surveys and in-field mitigation projects and writes reports for a variety of species and species groups.

He continues to develop his skills in Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, project management and mitigation design and to progress his career in ecological consultancy with the support and guidance of the wider Lloyd Bore ecology team.

Jack is an asset to any project, pre-empting issues and finding dynamic solutions to survey and mitigation challenges.

07917 912 566

Jack Bage

33 St. George's Place, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1UT

01227 464 340

©2023 by Lloydbore Ltd

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